Lockdown 2 has just started, and to be honest it can all be a bit much. I wanted to share this little exercise as I’ve found it very useful.
Find yourself a piece of paper, notebook, journal or just notes in your phone, we’re going to make a Solution list.
Start off by writing down anything you like to do to make you feel better, maybe this is a walk in nature, your yoga practice, listening to your favourite song, having a bath, watching your favourite show or eating chocolate. Whatever it is that makes you feel just a little bit brighter on a rubbishy day. This is your first port of call to help your mental health when you’re feeling low.
Next we’re thinking about people or places you can turn to when chocolate doesn’t quite cut it.
The first group of people to add to your list are the people you’re closest to, maybe your friendship group, your family, or anyone you can trust. Even if these people are quite obvious, write them down. Know that for anything, big or small, you can turn to these people, whether you need a hug (if they’re in your buble), a chat, a cry or a laugh, these people are there for you.
Next on our list is a few trusted adults that you can talk to if things start to build up. Perhaps your parents, a trusted teacher at your school, or a leader of a club, think of any adults you can turn to if you need a little extra support than a giggle with your mates. Don’t forget that these people are also always there for you and it really isn’t a big deal to talk to them if you want to.
Lastly is our external contacts. These are numbers or websites that you can turn to in a time of crisis, you might never ever need these contacts, but by having them on your list you always have them as an option. Remember, these charities are there to help you, you don’t need to feel worried about turning to them when you need to! These sites are confidential and offer expert advice and help in times of crisis, or just on a bad day. Here are a few charities I’ve found, maybe have a poke around their websites to see what resources they offer, I would recommend adding these numbers onto your Solution List so you know there’s always help available:
The Mix: lots of helpful and essential information and advice for under 25’s as well as discussion boards, free hotline ( 0808 808 4994 ), free 24/7 text service (THEMIX to 85258), and lots more -> https://www.themix.org.uk/
Shout: free 24/7 text service (Text SHOUT to 85258), and lots of useful information and advice -> https://giveusashout.org/
Childline: free hotline (0800 1111), 1-2-1 counselling, online support rooms, and lots of information and advice -> https://www.childline.org.uk/
There are also lots of other resources and more specialised sites out there, I’ve found this NHS website that has lots of suggestions -> https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/youth-mental-health/
Now you have your Solution List, options for any way you’re feeling during Lockdown 2.
Struggling in these crazy times is NORMAL! Know that it is totally normal to need a little bit of extra help, and it’s OK.
If you find any other sites or contact numbers, please do comment below.
I’m always here for you guys if you need me, my instagram is @floga_yoga and my DMs are always open, I’m hoping to post some helpful content over the next few weeks so keep an eye out.
Lots of love,
Flo Xx